Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy Birthday T!

Isn't he the cutest ever??? I mean really, I don't know anyone who ages better than my hubby. Last week we got to celebrate another birthday with him. His favorite time of year, the 6 weeks he's younger than me, had finally ended...whew! Anyway, he and I spent the day off from work together, went to his favorite restaurant for breakfast and then had our friends over for some cake and presents. It was a really nice day.
I continue to be amazed that the Lord has blessed me so much that I would be able to share his life and raise our children together. I know that the Lord has challenged us to raise quality men who are comitted to their Savior, their families and their communities. It's no small task in a country where men are considered stupid, sloppy and a downright inconvenience. The world tells us that women can do everything...better. The message has been around for so long that many of us have become numb to it. We don't even notice it most of the time. In fact, we often find ourselves even participating in it. How many times have we settled around the television to be entertained by "Raymond Barone" or "Two and a half Men". "Ward Cleaver" is long gone as are so many of the other decent characters that have come out of Hollywood. It is so invasive in our culture that we actually have to fight against the mainstream.
I am so grateful that the Lord has given my boys a role model worth emulating. A man who lives life with passion, loves the land and all the outdoors has to offer. A man who hunts, fishes and pumps iron, but reads to his boys before bed. A man who rides dirtbikes, repels from bridges, loves, and jumps out of planes yet loves his wife, protects her, defends her, supports her, makes her coffee, watches sappy movies with her and wipes her tears... A man who never ceases seeking what the Lord desires for him, who fails, hits his knees, wipes them off and gets back up again. A man with more courage, determination and love than any other. I am so thankful that he is my man...

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