Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Going to State!!!

Warning! I have become one of those annoying "bragging" parents...I know, I'm surprised myself, but it just snuck up on me out of nowhere! All the sudden I remind myself of those mom's on that reality TV show about pageants. I haven't gotten Brey a spray tan and teeth whitening yet, but I also haven't ruled it out...just sayin...

So, our oldest son Brey (see above photo) came in 2nd last weekend at the 3A district finals and gets to compete in the Oregon 3A state wrestling finals this weekend. We are all so excited. Me, especially, since I get to figure out what to wear...(told ya! scary...) We are heading to Portland on Friday and T's parents are meeting us, we're taking all the boys with us and we probably will look like some "dugger family" fiasco, but, oh well! We wouldn't have it any other way. We are all so proud of him and just wishing him great success.

In preperation for this big weekend of competition, Thane and I have been assisting Brey with wrestling support. For instance, yesterday, Thane rolled out the wrestling mats in the garage (yes, people, we have actual high school wrestling mats in our garage...don't hate) anyways, Thane and Brey spent the afternoon watching the video tapes from last weekend and analyzing strategies and moves. The culmination of this ended up with Thane actually wrestling Brey on the mats. This is actually quite amusing to watch...Thane begins by assuming the wrestling stance and smacking Brey on the side of the head. Brey says "yo! why are you hitting me?" Thane: "does it make you mad?" (Thane smacks the side of his head again...) Brey: "hey! you can't hit me!" Thane: "Really? I think I just did." Brey: (adolescent eye rolling) Thane: "if your opponent smacks you on the side of the head at the tournament, are you gonna look at the ref and tell him 'he's not allowed to hit me!' " About that time, Brey decided to take Thane down and did so quite solidly. What followed was an all out, no holds barred WWF style match. They grunted and moaned, laughed and sweated together, and as of this morning, Thane still can't move his right shoulder (don't tell Brey though).

As for me, I play a much more strategic role in offering my plan of attack for Brey's upcoming competition. It goes something like this...Me: "Brey, I have some advice for you for this weekend..." Brey (trying to act interested) "yea?" Me:"I don't think you should get underneath that guy, he looks really strong, I would try not to get underneath him." Brey: "oookay, mom...thanks" Me: "oh, one more thing...I would just take it one match at a time, you can't win the last one until you win the first one..." Brey:"Right..." (I know, this is good stuff right? I should totally write a book on wrestling strategies)

So, we've been busy checking the brackets, the state rankings and watching all 6 "Rocky" movies this week. I'm so pumped up, I've been running around in trash bags, eating grapefruit and spitting. I'm afraid if I run into the competition in the halls of the Colisseum I might just take him down myself! But I'll probably just exchange hard looks with the other mom's though...I always win at that!

Gotta go...need to get his spray tan scheduled!


  1. G and G are also pumped! We are so proud of you, Brey and can't wait to be a part of your big week-end. I'll do my best to keep Gpa under control - I promise! You know what I mean.
